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时间:2022-06-22 08:40:02




 语法填空 神舟十四号载人飞船发射等 3 则

 神舟十四号载人飞船发射 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

 Shenzhou XIV mission blasts off

  The Shenzhou XIV mission - China"s ninth manned spaceflight was launched ___1___(success) on Sunday morning from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in the northwestern Gobi Desert.

 ___2___ three crew members – Senior Colonel Chen Dong, Senior Colonel Liu Yang and Senior Colonel Cai Xuzhe -- will stay in the Tiangong space station ___3___ half a year.

 Before them the Shenzhou XII and XIII three-member crews lived inside the Tiangong, ___4___ is traveling in low-Earth orbit about 400 kilometers high.

 In early May, the Tianzhou 4 cargo spacecraft was launched by a Long March 7 rocket from Wenchang Space Launch Center in Hainan province, ___5___(transport) nearly 6 metric tons of propellants and materials to Tiangong.

 Tiangong consists of the Tianhe core module, the Tianzhou 3 and the Tianzhou 4. In July, the station"s first lab component -- Wentian, or Quest for the Heavens – ___6___(launch), while the second lab ___7___(name) Mengtian, or Dreaming of the Heavens, will be sent to dock with the station in October. After they are connected with the Tiangong, the station will form a T-shaped structure.

 The Tiangong is expected ___8___ (operate) for up to 15 years and will serve as a ___9___(science) platform, space officials have said, noting it will also be open to foreign ___10___(astronaut).



 神州 14 号载人飞船在星期天上午被成功地发射。考察副词修饰动词。




  他们将在天宫太空站呆半年。持续半年的时间,用介词 for 后面接持续的时间。



 5.transporting 天舟 4 号载货飞船运送了 6 公吨的推进剂和物质到天宫。考察非谓语作状语,此句话已有谓语动词,与句子主语是主动关系,应用 ing 形式。

 6.will be launched




 8.to operate 天宫预计会运行 15 年并且充当一个科学的平台。be expected to do sth 9.scientific 科学的平台。用形容词修饰名词 platform. 10.astronauts


  中国航天工程 China"s space program 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

 China"s space program

  The Shenzhou-13 mission last year was a major step for the country"s young space program, which is rapidly becoming one of the world"s most ___1___(advance).

 China"s space program was late to the game, only established in ___2___ early 1970s, years after American astronaut Neil Armstrong had already landed on the moon. But the chaos of China"s Cultural Revolution stopped the nation"s space effort in its tracks -- and progress ___3___(postpone) until the early 1990s.

 Space administrators picked two classes of astronauts in 1998 and 2010, ___4___(lay) the path for rapid progress in space missions. Aided by the ___5___(economy) reforms of the 1980s, China"s space program quietly progressed until the launch of the first crewed mission in 2003.

 The government has since invested billions of dollars ___6___ the space program -- and the payoff has been evident. China ___7___(success) landed an exploratory rover on the moon in December 2020 and one on Mars in May 2021. The first module of the Tiangong Space Station launched in April 2021.

 China"s ambitions span years into the future, with grand plans for space ___8___(explore), research and commercialization. One of the ___9___(big) projects will be building a joint China-Russia research station on the moon"s south pole by 2035 -- a facility ___10___ will be open to international participation.


 establish [ɪˈstæblɪʃ]

 v.建立;创立 chaos

  [ˈkeɪɒs] n.混乱 postpone

 [pəˈspəʊn] v.推迟;使延期;延缓 facility

 [fəˈsɪləti] n.设备;设施


 1.advanced 先进的 2.the 20 世纪 70 年代初 3.was postponed/had been postponed 被推迟 4.laying 铺设 5.economic 经济的 6.into/in 投资 invest...in/into 7.successfully 成功地 8.exploration 探索 9.biggest 最大 10.that/which 定语从句

 空 语法填空 Daxing International Airport

 Beijing Daxing International Airport,located on the capital"s south side, ___1___ (build) in less than five years at a cost of 120 billion yuan ($17 billion). The airport, which is designed by the late Iraqi-British architect Zaha Hadid and designed ___2__ (handle) 72 million passengers a year, includes a terminal billed as the world"s biggest at 11 million square feet. ____3____ that, its builders say travelers will need to walk no more than 2,000 feet to reach any ____4_____ (board) gate. The vast, star-shaped airport is about 30 miles south of downtown Beijing. It has four runways, with plans for as ___5__ as three more. ____6___ (give) the distance from central Beijing, the new airport required a lot of investment to connect it to the capital. When you add the cost of new road and rail links and other infrastructure, the total cost of the project hit a whopping $63 billion. Beijing Capital International Airport in the city"s northeast, _____7___is the world"s second-busiest after Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport, is

 nearing capacity. The capital has ___8___ third airport, Nanyuan, for domestic flights, but the government says that ____9_____ (close) once Daxing is in ___10____ (operate).

 Keys: 1. was built 2. to handle 3. Despite 4. boarding 5. many 6. Given 7. which 8. a 9. will close 10.operation

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