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时间:2022-06-24 12:55:03




 FIDIC 合同条件中的保险条款 一、通用条件中的保险条款 18.1 有关保险的一般要求 (General Requirements for Insurances) 保险方,投保方 the insuring Party effect insurance 办理保险 办理(一切险,人寿,工程,第三方责任)保险 to arrange / cover / provide / take out (all risks, life, project, third party liability) insurance


 These terms should be consistent with any terms agreed by both Parties before the date of the Letter of Acceptance.


 This agreement of terms shall take precedence over the provisions of this Clause.

 专 用 条 件 所 附 细 则 the details annexed to the Particular Conditions 如果要求某一保险单对联合被保人进行赔偿,则该保险赔偿应分别适用于每位被保人,如同各联合受保人均已发有单独的保险单。

 If a policy is required to indemnify joint insured, the cover shall apply separately to each insured as though a separate policy had been issued for each of the joint insured.


 The insuring Party shall request all additional joint insured to comply with the conditions stipulated in the policy.


 Each policy insuring against loss or damage shall provide for damages to be paid in the currencies required to rectify the loss or damage.

 工程与承包商设备的保险 Insurance against works and Contractor’s Equipment

 人员伤害和财产损害的保险 Insurance against Injury to Persons and Damage to Property

 合同可规定专利权的独家使用。The contract may provide for the exclusive use of the patent.


 Damages received from insurers shall be used for the rectification of loss or damage.


 When each premium is paid, the insuring Party should submit evidence of payment to the other Party.


 The insuring Party shall keep the insurer informed of any changes to the execution of the Works and ensure that insurance is maintained in accordance with this Clause.


 Neither Party shall make any material alteration to the terms of any insurance without the prior approval of the other Party. [,?:lt?"rei??n]



 If the insuring Party fails to effect and keep in force any of the insurances which it is required to effect and maintain under the Contract, or fails to provide satisfactory evidence and copies of policies in accordance with this Sub-clause, the other Party may (at its option and without prejudice to any other right or remedy ) effect insurance for the relevant coverage of this default and pay the premium due. (it = the insuring Party)


 If the insuring Party fails to effect and keep in force an insurance which is available and which it is required to effect and maintain under the Contract, and the other Party neither approves the omission nor effect insurance for the coverage relevant to this default, any money which should have been recovered under this insurance shall be paid by the insuring Party.

 18.2 工 程 和 承 包 商 设 备 的 保 险 ( Insurance for Works and Contractor’s Equipment ) 全部复原费用 full reinstatement cost 拆除费用 cost of demolition [,dem?"li??n] 清除残骸费用 cost of removal of debris ["deibri:] 此类保险应自根据第 18.1 款(有关保险的一般要求)(a)项提交凭证的日期起,至颁发工程的接收证书之日止保持有效。

 This insurance should be effective from the date by which the evidence is to be submitted under sub-paragraph (a) of Sub-Clause 18.1[General Requirements for Insurances], until the date of issue of the Taking-over Certificate for the Works.


 The insuring Party shall maintain this insurance to provide cover until the date of issue of the Performance Certificate, for loss or

 damage for which the Contractor is liable arising from a cause occurring prior to the issue of the Taking-Over Certificate, and for loss or damage caused by the Contractor in the course of other operations.

 全部重置价值 full replacement value 对于承包商的每项设备,其保险有效期应从设备被运往现场时起,直至不再将其作为承包商的设备使用为止。

 For each item of Contractor’s Equipment, the insurance shall be effective while it is being transported to the Site and until it is no longer required as Contractor’s Equipment.

 除非专用条件中另有规定 Unless otherwise stated in the Particular Conditions

 基准日期 Base Date

 以合理的商务条件 at commercially reasonable terms

 因雇主使用或占用工程的另一部分而对工程的某一部分造成的损失或损害 [?"tribjut?bl] 归咎于 loss or damage to a part of the Works which is attributable to the use of occupation by the Employer of another part of the Works

 每次发生(事故)的免赔额不应大于投标书附录中规定的款额 deductibles per occurrence shall not be more than the amount stated in the Appendix to Tender

 本款规定的各项保险应以各方联合的名义投保,双方共同享有从投保人处得到的保险赔偿支付的权利,赔偿费仅用于修补损失或损害之目的,由双方共同掌管或分配 The insurances under this Sub-Clause shall be in the joint names of the Parties, who shall be jointly entitled to receive payments of insurance indemnity from the insurer,payments being held or

 allocated between the Parties for the sole purpose of rectifying the loss or damage.

 18.3 人身伤害和财产损害的保险 ( Insurance against Injury to Persons and Damage to Property)


 The insuring Party shall insure against each Party’s liability for any loss , damage, death or bodily injury which may occur to any physical property or to any person, which may arise out of the Contractor’s performance of the Contract and occurred before the issue of Performance Certificate.


 The insurances specified in this Sub-Clause shall be in the joint names of the Parties.


 The Employer has the right to have the Permanent Works executed on, over, under, in or through any land, and to occupy this land for the Permanent Works.

 18.4 承包商人员的保险 ( Insurance for Contractor’s Personnel ) 承包商应针对承包商雇用的任何人员或承包商的其他任何人员的伤害、疾病、或死亡所导致的一切索赔、损害赔偿、损失与开支(包括法律费用和开支)的责任投保,并使之保持有效。

 The Contractor shall effect and maintain insurance against liability for claims, damages, losses and expenses (including legal fees and expenses) arising from injury, sickness, diseases or death of any person employed by the Contractor or any other of the Contractor’s Personnel.

  二、专用条件中的保险条款 承包商应对本合同要求的各项保险向一家保险公司投保;保险公司则应对发出的投保通知、保险单和保险背书予以签署和盖章。

 The Contractor shall effect all insurances required under the Contract with an insurance company which shall sign and seal each cover note, policy and endorsement issued.

 在收到开工令的 10 日内,承包商应提交保险通知书由工程师和业主核准,据此证明,所要求的各项保险已经办理完毕。此外,承包商应在收到开工令的 35 日内提交保险单,由工程师和业主予以核准。

 Within ten days after receipt of the Order to Commence, the Contractor shall submit cover notes for the approval of the Engineer and the Employer, proving that all the required insurances have been effected, and shall submit the insurance policies for the approval of the Engineer and the Employer with thirty five days after receipt of the Order to Commence.


 The policy or policies shall include an endorsement that, having examined the Contract Documents, the insurer declared that the policy or policies provide all the indemnities required by the Contract.


 Should any of the policies require excess payments to be covered by the Contractor, the excess shall be subject to the approval of the Employer and the Contractor shall expressly undertake to cover such excesses


 The contractor shall insure with an insurer against his potential liabilities under this Clause to the full extent that they are insurable.


 The insurance cover shall be continuous throughout the period of use of the vehicles in connection with the Contract.


 There is no limitation as to the sum insured in respect of any particular incident giving rise to claims under the insurance.


 It has been counted as a convention that the insurance policies shall be able to renew or extend with a confirmed extension of period by insurance company before it is expired.

 四、保险常用语句 (Useful Sentences for Insurance) 被保险人和保险人都应遵守最大诚信原则。

 Both the insured and the insurer should observe the principle of utmost good faith.


 We shall give the benefit of “No Claim Discount” to the insured.

 承包商办理的保险范围可以包括(不包括)… The insurance cover effected by the Contractor may include (exclude)…


 The insuraer paid a big sum of money.


 The information needed to underwrite ALOP is similar to that of EAR/CAR coverage, but varies from risk to risk.


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