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时间:2022-06-24 13:40:03




 01 必 修 一

  Module 1

  in other words 换句话说

  In other words, you have to have both. Product and promotion. 换句话说,你必须两手都要抓,产品和促销不可偏废。

  look forward to 期待;盼望

  I look forward to your guidance. 我期待获得你们的指导。

  at the start of 在……开始的时候

  We are at the start of the season. 我们现在是在赛季开始的阶段。

  at the end of 在……结束的时候

  There is a shop at the end of the street. 这条街走到头有一个商店。

  go to college 上大学

  What about deciding on where to go to college? 对于该去哪里上大学,该如何决定?

 be divided into 被(划)分成……

  He suggested that our class should be divided into five groups. 他建议说我们的班应该分成五个小组。

  take part in 参加

  Take part in something you believe in. 参与到你所信仰的事情当中。

  Module 2

  make sure 确定;确信;查明;弄清楚

  I make sure they work well. 我确认他们做得很好。

  so that (引起表示结果的从句)因此

  He wrote down my address, so that he might remember it. 他写下了我的地址,以便能够记住它。

  make progress 取得进步

  Modesty helps one to make progress; conceit makes one lag behind. 虚心使人进步, 骄傲使人落后。

  as a result 结果

  As a result, the bad thing has been turned into a good one. 结果坏事变成了好事。

 in fact 事实上

  In fact, I would advise them not to do that. 实际上,我建议他们不要那么做。

  fall asleep 睡着

  I can not fall asleep after drinking coffee this late. 现在这么晚了,喝咖啡之后我不能入睡。

  tell jokes 讲笑话;开玩笑

  He always tell jokes to me and wore a sunny smile. 他总是告诉我的笑话和戴着一个阳光灿烂的笑容。

  Module 3

  get on 上(车、船等)

  Here comes the bus. Let"s get on. 公共汽车来了,咱们上去吧。

  get off 下(车、船等)

  Excuse me, I have to get off at the next stop. 劳驾,我必须在下一站下车。

  get into 上(车);进入

 How did you get into the field? 你是如何进入该领域的呢?

  get out of 下(车);动身

  In order to get out of the peak-hour traffic, we must start early. 我们得早点儿动身以避开交通高峰期。

  take off (飞机)起飞

  When the storm stopped , the plane could take off . 当风暴停下来时,飞机可以起飞了不得。

  be short for 是……的缩写/简称

  not …any more 不再

  At least, I was thinking so… Not any more. 至少以前是… 但现在不再如此了。

  out of date 过时

  The regulations were out of date and confusing.那些规定已经过时,而且令人费解。

  refer to 指的是;参考

  Writers often refer to a dictionary. 作家时常参考字典。

  Module 4

 put up 修建;建立

  And I think I put up the postulates. 我想我已经建立过这种假设了。

  so far 到目前为止

  So far, they appear to be up to the task. 到目前为止,他们表现出承担了这一任务。

  up to now 到目前为止

  I have heard nothing from him up to now. 到目前为止我没有他的任何消息。

  till now 到目前为止

  He was wiped out yesterday and doesn"t wake up till now. 他昨晚喝醉了,直到现在还没醒。

  get away from 摆脱

  It’s so obvious once you get away from the traditional mindset. 你一旦摆脱了传统的思维方式,效果会如此明显。

  a great many 许多;大量

 One day them was a terrible flood which drowned a great many wolves. 有一天,发生了一场可怕的洪水,许多狼被淹死。

  a number of 许多;大量

  A number of them departed for an outing. 他们当中许多人外出作短途旅游。

  go up 上升

  Prices incline to go up. 价格有上升趋势。

  Module 5

  add … to … 往……加入……

  Do you have anything to add to the list? 你还有什么想要添加到列表列面吗?

  used to 过去(常常)……

  We used to sashay after supper. 过去我们总是在晚饭后去散步。

  in the area of 在……领域

 Altogether, in the area of hospitals and medicine, our country still has a lot of problems. 总而言之,在医疗药物这一块,我国依然存在着相当多的问题。

  be proud of 为……感到骄傲/自豪

  You are the pride of us , you will be proud of us in the future. 你现在是我们的骄傲,我们将来才能是你的自豪。

  be supposed to 应当;理应

  It tells us to be supposed to maintain the innocent childlike innocence, selfless dauntless, daresto tell the truth. 它告诉我们应该保持天真烂漫的童心、无私无畏,敢于说真话。

  Module 6

  consists of 由……组成

  A file consists of one or more messages. 一个文件由一个或多个消息构成。

  as well 也

  She can play tennis as well as basketball. 她也会打篮球,也会打网球。

 become known as 作为……而出名;被称为…

  With many traditions,the game has become known as a game played by gentlemen. 受传统观念及习俗的影响,高尔夫已渐渐成为一项绅士运动。

  go down 下降;下去

  Shall I go down the stairway? 我应该走楼梯下去吗?

  come up with 提出

  Have you ever noticed how easy it is to come up with a reason to do nothing? 你有没有感觉在不想做什么的时候,很容易就会想出一个理由去逃避?

  from that moment on 从那时起

  They both loved each other from that moment on. 从那一刻开始,他们俩就互相喜欢上对方了。

  concentrate on 聚精会神;集中思想

  If you concentrate on either one too much then you can run into problems later on. 如果你过分集中于其中的任何一个,那么稍后你就会遇到问题。

  compared with 与……相比

 Our greenhouse is nothing compared with yours. 我们这个温室比起你们那个简直是小巫见大巫。

 02 必修二

  Module 1

  be connected with 与……有联系

  Success seems to be connected with action. 成功似乎与行动相连。

  take exercise 锻炼

  We take exercise every morning. 我们每天早晨做运动。

  be crazy about 迷恋

  Young people all seems to be crazy about such things. 年轻人看起来对这些东西都非常感兴趣。

  have a temperature 发烧

  Does he have a temperature, doctor? 他还发烧吗,医生?

  lie down 躺下

  I lie down, relax, and if I get ideas, I get ideas. 我躺下来,放松,如果我有了个想法,我就有灵感了。

 begin with 以……开始

  Let it begin with you! 就让这些从你开始吧。

  become ill 生病

  Make sure to offer to take their kids if they ever become ill! 当他们生病的时候,你也要帮忙照看他们的孩子。

  Module 2

  related to 有关系的;有关联的

  Each of these are expenses related to your job. 这些开支都是和你的工作相关的。

  break into 破门而入;强行闯入

  They break into an office so that Jack can use the phone. 他们闯入了一间办公室,因为杰克需要使用电话。

  belong to 属于

  We do not belong to it. 我们不属于那一派。

  become addicted to 对……上瘾;沉迷于

  Humans have become addicted to flesh.人类已对吃肉上瘾。

 take one"s advice 听某人的意见

  You should take my advice about your job.关于你的工作你应该听取我的意见。

  in order to 为了……

  He polished off his work in order to see his girlfriend. 为了去见女朋友,他匆忙地做完手头的工作。

  so as to 为了……

  They laid the sails aback so as to stay on course in the storm wind. 他们使帆成为逆风向以便在暴风中保持既定航道。

  give up 戒除;放弃

  I would not give up for anything. 我绝不会为任何事情放弃。

  Module 3

  be impressed with 留下深刻印象

  Your interviewer will be impressed with your mind. 你的想法会给面试官留下深刻印象。

  split up 分裂;分割

 Who told you we have split up?谁告诉你我们已经离婚了?

  make a note of 记录

  Make a note of the folder’s location! 记住这个文件夹的位置!

  Module 4

  be / get tired of 对……厌烦

  I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of going. 我认为我此行不会感到厌烦。

  be fond of 喜欢;喜爱

  It"s human nature for parents to be fond of their children. 父母爱孩子是人类的天性。

  tell by 从……可以看出

  You can tell by the way they talk with her. 你可以从他们与她谈话的方式中就可以看出来。

  put off 推迟;延期

  So he put off dealing with it, week after week. 于是他一周又一周地推迟处理这件事情。

 take turns 轮流

  The doctors take turns at participating in the mobile medical team. 医生们轮流参加巡回医疗队。

  a series of 一系列的

  Film divides motion up into a series of static images. 电影将动作分解为一系列静态画面。

  Module 5

  in total 总共;合计;完全

  You’re in total isolation. 你完全是孤立无援的。

  now that 既然

  Now that the problem is solved, nothing remains to be said. 问题已经解决了, 没什么说头儿了。

  believe in 相信

  He does not believe in fate. 他不相信命运。

  be similar to 和……相似

  You"ll notice that two use cases appear to be similar to each other, though there areminor differences in workflow.


  Module 6

  come out 出现;出版

  We"re going to come out with a new dictionary next month. 下个月我们将出版一部新词典。

  fall in love with 爱上;喜欢(表动作)

  If someone loves none, he may fall in love with anyone around him. 当一个人谁都不爱的时候,他就可以爱上身边的任何一个人。

  be in love with 爱上;喜欢(表状态)

  Be in love with your life. 热爱你的生活。

  play a part 扮演角色

  Talent, skill and luck play a part, but there is more. 天分,技能和运气起一部分作用,但还有更多。

  in surprise 吃惊地

  Our brows went up in surprise. 我们惊奇地竖起了眉毛。

  care about 关心;顾虑;在乎

 Share this with anyone you care about. 和任何你关心的人分享这些.

  every now and then 有时;偶尔

  Every now and then you need a taste of your favorite childhood dish. 人不时回忆起您喜爱的那种童年的味道。

  at the age of 在……岁时

  What did you do at the age of six? 你六岁的时候能做些什么呢?

  03 必修三

  Module 1

  Look at 看

  The boy stole a look at his father with grimace. 那男孩扮着鬼脸偷看了他父亲一眼。

  more than 多于…

 He is little more than a boy in worldly experience. 他涉世不深, 简直还是一个孩子。

  be famous for 因…而著名

 The town miller was famous for his excellent flour.镇上的面粉场主以优质面粉著称。

  work on 从事,进行

  We need to put in our time and work on our skills. 我们需要投入自己的时间和技艺在我们的工作上。

  from…until.. 从…到…

  He worked from dawn until(til) dark.他没日没夜地工作。

  because of 因为;由于

 His business went under because of competition from the large corporations. 由于大公司的竞争,他的生意陷入了困境。

  last for 延续;持续

  The blockade is likely to last for some time. 封锁可能要持续一段时间。

  all the time 总是;一直

 She must be nervous,she fusses about all the time. 她想必很紧张,她一直忙碌得团团转。

  be known as 以…闻名

 Work in this new vein has come to be known as experimental philosophy. 这种形式的研究被称为实验哲学。

  ever since 自此;从那时起

  I have distrusted her ever since she cheated me. 自从她骗我以后,我就不信任她了。

  next to 靠近…;紧挨着

  The two shops are next to each other. 那两家铺子紧挨着。

  refer to 指…;参考;适用于

 Writers often refer to a dictionary. 作家时常参考字典。

  in terms of 谈到…;从…方面;依据

  It can not be measured in terms of money. 这是不能用...

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