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时间:2022-06-25 16:35:03




  1 广东省惠州市 2 2022 届高三英语第三次调研考试试题


 1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上,并将准考证条形码粘贴在答题卡上的指定位置。

 2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,用签字笔直接将答案写在答题卡上对应的答题区域内。写在试题卷、草稿纸和答题卡上的非答题区域均无效。

 3. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。


 阅读理解( ( 共两节,满分 0 50 分) )


 (共 5 15 小题;每小题 5 2.5 分,满分 5 37.5 分)

 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A A 、B B 、C C 和 和 D D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

 A A

 Home delivery meal kits have been one of the bits of the pandemic: they have enabled diners to carry on getting a taste of restaurant-quality food, while helping restaurants to stay in business, and even make you an excellent chef. Here are four of the best offering delivery in our region: Berenjak (berenjakbazaar.com)

 “The kabab kits from this London-based Iranian restaurant — which range in price from £25 to £45 — are a ‘class act’,” says Jay Rayner in The Observer . “My kit even included a pair of plastic gloves for me to wear while dealing with the raw meat. This is the best kind of meal kit — the cooking is fun, and the finished product is utterly delicious.”

  Gujarati Rasoi (gujaratirasoi.co.uk)

 “I love this vegetarian restaurant,” says Marina O’Loughlin in The Sunday Times . “And its meal boxes are ‘electrifyingly good’ too. Family boxes for four cost £65, and I especially love the starter (£15.50). The dishes were complicated, yet quite easy to cook.”

 Lyle ’ s (lylesprovisions.com)

 “This Michelin-starred London restaurant delivers its ‘exquisitely delicious’ menu boxes each Friday,” says Xanthe Clay in The Daily Telegraph . “At £140 for two, they aren’t cheap, and with multiple courses, they do take a bit of work and concentration to cook.”

 Santo Remedio (santoremedio.co.uk)

  2 “Order a Remedy kit from Santo Remedio and what you will get is an incredibly generous, sharing-style Mexican feast for two,” says Anna Lawson on BBC’s “Good Food”. “The kits come with a choice of slow-cooked meat, accompanied by all the ingredients to make your own pancake. Preparation is simple, thanks to a colour-coded instruction.” 1. What can be found in all the introductions to home delivery meal kits? A. Small gifts. B. Cooking instructions. C. Nice discounts. D. Personal recommendations. 2. People who favor Mexican food may go to ___________. A. Berenjak B. Gujarati Rasoi C. Lyle’s D. Santo Remedio 3. Who are the potential target readers of the text? A. Restaurant cooks. B. Trainee chefs . C. Ordinary housewives. D. Hotel managers. 【答案】1. D

 2. D

 3. C 【解析】


 【1 题详解】

 细节理解题。在所有送货上门套餐的介绍中都能发现什么?A 项 Small gifts 小礼物;B 项 Cooking instructions 烹饪说明;C 项 Nice discounts 不错的折扣;D 项 Personal recommendation 个人的推荐,通过对所有送货上门套餐的介绍中可发现当地最好的送货上门套餐各有四个人对其进行推荐。故选 D。

 【2 题详解】

 细节理解题。根据 Santo Remedio (santoremedio.co.uk)部分的“Order a Remedy kit from Santo Remedio and what you will get is an incredibly generous, sharing-style Mexican feast for two.(从圣雷麦黛奥订购一套补救套餐,你就能享受到一场非常慷慨的双人墨西哥盛宴)”可知,喜欢吃墨西哥餐的人可能去 Santo Remedio。故选 D。

 【3 题详解】

 推理判断题。根据文章第一段“they have enabled diners to carry on getting a taste of restaurant-quality food, while helping restaurants to stay in business, and even make you an excellent chef. (它们使得食客能够继续品尝到具有饭店品质的食物,同时也能帮助餐馆继续营业,甚至让你成为一名优秀的厨师。)”可知,作者就是想让人订套餐,所以谁最有可能买谁就是潜在的目标读者。故选 C。

 B B

 In the last three years, I have read approximately 150 books. Reading almost every day

  3 in the last three years has increased my reading comprehension. It has also improved my own writing skills. This has boosted my confidence and encouraged me to start writing more often. I am now writing a fiction book. I write and edit for Odyssey, and I am an officer for the SNHU Book Club. This has also helped me become a better student. I’m able to read and comprehend the text more for each class, and do well on the assignments because of my better writing skills. I truly love it, and can’t imagine where I would be right now if I hadn’t become a bookworm. Because I read so much, I have decided to start doing a written version of a book haul (读书分享会). In short, a book haul is a review of the books read each month. They are typically done as a video, but until I have the proper equipment to do that, I will be writing mine. At the end of each month I will discuss the books I read, the books I bought, or received, and then ask for your thoughts and suggestions. January was a busy month for me. I only finished one book, Mark of Distinction

 by Jessica Dotta. It’s the second book in the Price of Privilege

 trilogy. I bought Carve the Mark , Veronica Roth’s new book, and An Unquiet Mind , a psychology based book by Kay Redfield Jamison. I plan on reading these in February, as well as the third section of the Red Queen

 series, King’s Cage

 by Victoria Aveyard, which will be released on February 7. I am so excited for it!

 If you’ve read any of the books I ever mention, feel free to reach out either on here, or Twitter! I love chatting about books! 4. What does paragraph 1 mainly tell us about the author? A. How she writes for a magazine. B. How she becomes a bookworm. C. How she benefits from reading. D. How she improves academic performance. 5. What can we know about the author’s book haul? A. It’s done as a video. B. It’s represented in written form. C. It’s a face-to-face review. D. It’s all about the already-read books. 6. What do we know about Price of Privilege ? A. It is culture-specific. B. It is psychology-based. C. It is a series of books. D. It is to be released soon. 7. Why does the author write this text? A. To introduce her book haul. B. To share her reading experience.

  4 C. To invite people to be her pen-pal. D. To attract readers to join her book haul. 【答案】4. C

 5. B

 6. C

 7. D 【解析】


 【4 题详解】

 主旨大意题。根据文章第一段“Reading almost every day in the last three years has increased my reading comprehension. It has also improved my own writing skills. This has boosted my confidence and encouraged me to start writing more often.(在过去的三年里,几乎每天都读书,提高了我的阅读理解能力。这也提高了我自己的写作技巧。这提高了我的信心,鼓励我开始更经常地写作。)”和“This has also helped me become a better student. I’m able to read and comprehend the text more for each class, and do well on the assignments because of my better writing skills.(这也帮助我成为一个更好的学生。我能够阅读和理解每一节课的文本,并做好作业,因为我更好的写作技能。)”可知,第一段主要讲述了读书给作者带来了好处。故选 C。

 【5 题详解】

 细节理解题。根据文章第二段 “Because I read so much, I have decided to start doing a written version of a book haul .In short, a book haul is a review of the books read each month.你(因为非常喜欢阅读,我已经决定创办一个读书分享会 书面版本,简言之,读书分享会就是每个月对其读的书的书评)”可知,这个读书分享会是通过写出来书评来进行分享交流的。故选 B。

 【6 题详解】

 推理判断题。从第三段第二句和第三句“ I only finished one book, Mark of Distinction by Jessica Dotta. It’s the second book in the Price of Privilege trilogy. (我只看了一本书,杰西卡·多塔的《卓越的标志》。这是《特权的代价》三部曲中的第二本)”可知,《特权的代价》属于系列书籍。故选C。

 【7 题详解】

 推理判断题。根据文章最后一段“If you’ve read any of the books I ever mention, feel free to reach out either on here, or Twitter! I love chatting about books!(如果你读过我提到的任何一本书,请随时在这里或 Twitter 上联系我!我喜欢聊书)”可知,作者希望读者能与其聊书。故选 D。

 C C

 Canes (手杖) for navigation have been used for centuries by some visually impaired and blind people. By the early 20th century the white cane – the white is meant to make the

  5 cane most easily noticeable to others – became

 a visual assistance. But they’re not a perfect solution to detecting obstacles (障碍物) while walking, even after the extensive training needed to use them. Engineers at Stanford University have attempted to improve the standard white cane. Their design, simply named the Augmented Cane, which is described in a new study published in Science Robotics, has two major differences from a typical white cane. Near the top, there’s a device filled with various sensors, including a camera, that collect information about the environment around the person, including GPS and LIDAR data. At the foot of the cane, there’s an omnidirectional (全方向的) wheel that comes with settings to adjust for a person’s walking speed and touch feedback to remind the user to steer left or right as needed. In theory, the device should pick up on potential obstacles ahead and assist in navigating unfamiliar places. To test out their cane, Patrick Slade, a PhD student in robotics at Stanford, and his team had visually impaired and sighted people (24 in total) complete a series of navigation challenges in both outdoor and indoor environments. Sighted people were novices s at using a cane, while those visually impaired had at least a few years of experience; all of them were blindfolded before -hand. “Our experimental findings showed that across a range of indoor and outdoor tasks people with impaired vision chose to walk faster when using the Augmented Cane compared to a standard cane. This means our device provides some mobility benefits,” Slade said. “In addition, we did some experiments to show our device could provide assistance that a normal cane could not, for example, routing to a specific room or object in an indoor setting like going to a coffee shop in a mall.” 8. Why do the researchers develop the Augmented Cane? A. To replace the white cane. B. To achieve obstacle detection. C. To meet the needs for training. D. To make the cane more noticeable. 9. What is paragraph 2 mainly ab...

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