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时间:2022-06-27 12:10:04




 宇宙 人类最后的边疆 SPACE, THE FINAL FRONTIER. 这就是联邦星舰进取号♥的旅程 THESE ARE THE VOYAGES OF THE STARSHIP ENTERPRISE. 她的五年任务 ITS FIVE-YEAR MISSION: 是去探索未知的新世界 TO EXPLORE STRANGE NEW WORLDS, 去寻找新的生命以及未曾接触的新文明 TO SEEK OUT NEW LIFE AND NEW CIVILIZATIONS, 勇踏前人未至之地 TO BOLDLY GO WHERE NO ONE HAS GONE BEFORE. 请带我们到苦难无可触及之地 LIFT US WHERE SUFFERING CANNOT REACH 《星际迷航:新世界》前情提要 Previously on Star Trek: Strange New Worlds... 你看见未来了吗 You saw the future? 我知道我的生命将在何时如何结束 I know exactly how and when my life ends. 我不光看见了那一刻 And I didn"t just see it, 更切身感受到了每一秒的痛苦 I felt it,every agonizing second. 不要放弃你的人生 克里斯 Don"t throw your life away, Chris. 我做了一个选择 I made a choice. 接受了自己的命运 I accepted my fate. 如果你错了呢 What if you"re wrong? 如果你的命运是你自己决定的呢 What if your fate is what you make it? 听说你会 12 种语言啊 I hear you speak 12 languages. 是 37 种 37. 我很早之前就发现 如果要与人沟通 I found early that,if I wanted to be understood, 最好还是用对方的母语

 it"s best to communicate in someone"s own tongue. 所以我学了很多语言 So, I learned them. 医生 由于系统集成和额外能量损耗的原因 Doctor, I need to check your emergency medical transporter 我们需要检查一下你的紧急医疗传送机 for systems integration and excess power usage. 请别给我在这儿捣乱了 Please stop messing around in here! 海默对系统的诊断 Hemmer"s diagnostic 表明你在传送器的模式缓冲器里存着什么东西 shows you"re keeping something in the pattern buffer. 嗨 爸爸 Hi, Dad. 是我的女儿 露吉雅 Rukiya, my daughter. 你无法想象 只能眼睁睁看着 You can"t imagine what it"s like 自己的孩子日渐凋零有多痛苦 to watch your child wither away. 在茫茫宇宙里 And somewhere 也许某颗星球上有我需要的发现 is a planet that has the discovery I need. 舰长日志 星历 1943.7 Captain"s log, stardate 1943.7. 进取号♥来到了玛加兰星系 We have arrived at the Majalan system, 这是位于星联星域边缘的一个星系 a minor star cluster at the edge of Federation space. 十年前我来过这里 I was last here ten years ago, 参与过一个营救行动 on a rescue mission. 当时我差点被一颗脉冲星杀死 When a pulsar nearly kills you, 所以印象很深刻 you tend not to forget. 我们今天来这里是为了进行例行的星图测绘 Our mission today is a routine cartographic survey.

 我希望这次的任务要顺利的多 I expect it will be a lot quieter. 舰长 Captain. 乌乎拉学员 Cadet Uhura. 你还好吗 You all right? 没什么 Oh, it"s... nothing. 只是战斗训练后肌肉有点酸痛 Just a little sore after combat training. 啊对了 你这周你和 Ah, right. You"re on rotation 拉安·努尼恩·辛格上尉一起轮班 with Lieutenant Noonien-Singh this week. 上了安全官的第一课吗 Lesson one of security? 一只黑格尔虎 "A Rigelian tiger 毫无预警地猛扑过来 pounces with no warning." 是啊 我刚学完那一课 Yeah. I learned that one, all right. 我知道拉安有很多课程要教 Well, I"ve come to understand La"An has a lot to teach. 不过 Although... 你最好注意一下第七课 keep your eye out for lesson seven. 第七课是什么 What"s lesson seven? 很高兴你来加入我们 学员 Nice of you to join us, Cadet. 你休息好了吗 Did you find your break restful? 休息的特别好 感谢关心 Super restful,thanks for asking. 安全课程第二课 Lesson two of security... 在安♥全♥部♥从没有休息可言

 "There are no breaks in security 因为威胁从未消失 because threats never take breaks." 舰长 我们收到了一个来自非联邦穿梭机的求救信♥号♥♥ Captain, we"re receiving a distress call from a non-Federation shuttle. 声称他们正在遭受攻击 They say they"re under attack. 遭受谁的攻击 From who? 扫描显示是一艘小型战斗巡洋舰 Scans indicate a small combat cruiser. 轻度武装 非联邦注册星舰 Light armaments. Non-Federation ID. 艾瑞卡 升起护盾 靠近对方 Shields up and take us closer, Erica. 尚卡尔少尉 呼叫那艘巡洋舰 Ensign Shankar,hail that cruiser. 没有回应 舰长 No response, sir. 那就开启通讯频道 Then get me an open channel. 这里是联邦星舰进取号♥ 我是舰长克里斯托弗·派克 This is Christopher Pike of the USS Enterprise. 你正在进行攻击行为 You are committing an act of aggression. 鉴于受到攻击的星舰在向我们求助 As the other vessel has appealed to us for help, 根据联邦法律和我自己的良心 我有义务进行干预 I am obliged by both Federation law and my own conscience to intervene. 我命令你停手 I order you to stand down. 受损程度如何 Damage? 微不足道 护盾完整性只降低了 0.02% Negligible. Shield integrity is only down .02%. 红色警戒 进行规避机动 Red alert and evasive maneuvers. 遵命 舰长 Aye, Captain. 舰长 他们似乎还要继续向我们发动攻击 Captain, they...appear to be making an attack run at us.

 真是本事小脾气大的那种人啊 It"s the little dog with the most to prove. 舰长 Sir? 只是一种表达方式 It"s an expression. 你能在不把他们摧毁的前提下 You think you can take out their weapons 瘫痪他们的武器系统吗 without blowing them to smithereens? 给相位炮充能 Charge phasers. 最小输出功率 Minimum capacity. 充能中 Charging. 舰长 他们的相位炮又锁定我们了 They"re locking phasers again, Captain. 开火 Fire. 抱歉 Apologies. 舰长 我只是想警告一下他们 Captain, I was trying to graze them, 但他们朝我们开火时改变了航向 自己撞上了相位束 but they fired and changed course right into our weapons. 反正警告的效果确实达到了 I think they got the hint. 向联邦星舰连续开火三次 Firing three times on a Starfleet ship. 如果之前不关我们的事 现在也关我们的事了 If it wasn"t our business before, it is now. 舰长 穿梭机在呼叫我们 请求立刻开始营救行动 Sir, shuttle is hailing us,requesting immediate evacuation. 他们的生命维持系统维持不了多久了 Their life support systems are failing. 准备传送他们上舰 Prepare to beam them aboard. 该去见见我们的客人了 Let"s go meet our guests. 去六层甲板

 Deck Six. 派克上尉 Lieutenant Pike? 奥萝拉 Alora? 舰长 你认识她吗 You know her, Captain? 或者我应该称呼你为上尉 Or should I call you Lieutenant? 奥萝拉和我几年前见过面 Alora and I met years ago. 他从另一架穿梭机上救下了我 He rescued me from another shuttle. 听起来你命中和穿梭机八字不合啊 Seems like you have bad luck with shuttles. 或者是有好运呢 取决于你怎么看咯 Or good, depending on how you look at it. 好了 欢迎你们几位登上进取号♥ Well, allow me to welcome you all to Enterprise. 你的新制♥服♥ Your, uh, new uniform is... 挺 黄的 ...very yellow. 准确点说 这是金的 Oh, it"s gold, technically, 因为 我已经是舰长了 所以 because I"m, um... I"m a captain. So... 我们谨代表玛加利斯 感谢你们的帮助 Well, on behalf of Majalis, we thank you for your help... 派克舰长 ...Captain Pike. 介绍一下 这位是我的大副 Uh, this is my Number One. 乌娜 乌娜·金莱利昂少校 Una... Uh, Lieu-Lieutenant Commander Una Chin-Riley. 让我带你们去待命室做个简会 Allow me to take you to the ready room to debrief. 但在这之前 我要求必须先去一趟医务室 But first, I must insist you take us to your medical facility. 当然 这边请 Of course, right away.

 凯尔士官长会护送你们过去 Uh, Chief Kyle will escort you down. 哦对 打扰一下 您是这孩子的父亲吗 Uh, sorry, are you the boy"s father? 生物学意义上是 Strictly in a biological sense. 当雷德利王转过身时 "When King Ridley turned, 巫师波卢斯随即一把将他推下悬崖 the Wizard Pollux pushed him right over the cliff!" 爹地 Daddy. 你已经是第二次念这同一章故事了 You just read me the same exact chapter twice in a row. 我有吗 I did? 亲爱的 Darling... 你应该知道我把你的物质模式保存在传送器的模式缓冲器中 ...you know how I"ve been keeping your pattern in the transporter buffer, 来避免你的病继续恶化吧 so you don"t keep getting sicker? 知道呀 Yes. 所以呢 Well... 你每次从模式缓冲器里出来的时间都很少 I can"t keep you out of there for very long, 因此我有时候很难记住这些细节 and sometimes it"s hard to keep track of the details. 所以你有时趁我不注意时 把我放回去了吗 Sometimes, you put me back in when I don"t notice? 那我们到底读了多久的故事呢 So, how long have you really been reading to me? 好一会儿了呢 A while. 我给传送机系统设置了一个定时器 I"ve put the transport system on a timer, 这样就不会打扰到你 so as to not be disruptive. 那什么时

 When will it... 请进 Come. 医生 Doctor. 我们待会可能有一些伤员要处理 We"ve got people coming in with possible injuries. 第一公仆是个非常特殊的孩子 First Servant is a very special child. 是神圣的象征 A holy figure. 在出生时随机抽取 来作为我们以下格言的具体表现 Chosen at birth by lottery to embody our maxim: 科学 服务 牺牲 science, service, sacrifice. 他放弃了自己的家庭 He"s forsworn his own family 因为玛加利斯上人人皆是他的家人 because everyone on Majalis is his family. 好吧 Okay. 嗯 那你们去那颗卫星上干什么 Um, what were you doing on that moon? 那颗卫星上有一处古老的隐居地 供第一公仆学习之用 On that moon is an ancient retreat for the First Servant"s studies. 我和加马尔长老正在送他回玛加利斯的路上 Elder Gamal and I were returning him to Majalis 紧接着就遭到了那艘巡洋舰的攻击 when the ship attacked us 他们要求我们交出这孩子 and demanded we surrender the child. 而且你们根本不知道他们为何许人 And you have no idea who they were? 最近的宜居行星居住的是 The closest inhabitable planet is occupied by 一群被抛弃已久的外星殖民者的后裔 descendants of a long-abandoned alien colony. 而且即便如此 我们两个文明 Still, our two worlds have coexisted 也已经维持了几百年的和平 peacefully for centuries.

 我认为他们很可能是想要赎金 I believe it is possible they were after a ransom. 还有两天 我就要参加 In two days, I will be overseeing 第一公仆的登基仪式 the First Servant"s ascension to the throne. 这是十分神圣的仪式 It"s a sacred ceremony. 如果外来者能知道这件事 If outsiders knew about that, 他们当然也能明白玛加利斯会不惜一切代价 they would also know Majalis would pay anything 确保第一公仆的安全 for the child"s safe return. 我们会派出一支外遣队 We should send a landing party 调查坠毁的敌舰 to investigate the crashed ship. 有可能 尽管可能性很小 There is a chance, however slight, 攻击你们的人还活着 your attackers survived. 不必为此进行调查 An investigation won"t be necessary. 我只需要你们将我们平安护送回玛加利斯 All I ask is you return us peacefully to Majalis. 调查不仅仅是必要的 而且是规章要求的 An investigation is not only necessary, it is required. 派克舰长 Captain Pike. 我们并未加入星联 My people didn"t join the Federation. 我们一直坚持独♥立♥自主的行事原则 We"ve always handled things for ourselves. 拜托了 让我们自己处理这件事 Please, let us handle this. 星际舰队的规章要求我...

推荐访问:Star Trek: Strange New Worlds《星际迷航:奇异新世界(2022)》第一季第六集完整中英文对照剧本 新世界 迷航 奇异


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