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时间:2022-06-30 16:00:04





 2022 年北华航天工业学院自考英语(二)练习题汇总(附答案解析)

 第 第 1 题【单选题】

 【2008.04】It has been found that a strong _____ help overcome the effects of distraction.







 A. 打扰、中;断

  B. 动机、诱因; C. 评估、评价;

 D. 目的地、终点。整句话的意思是:人们发现一个很强的动机可以帮助克服干扰物的影响。

  第 第 2 题【单选题】

 【完成句子】Lightning is generated when electrical charges separate in rain clouds, though processes are still not fully understood. Typically, positive charges(正电荷)

 build at the cloud top, while the bottom becomes negatively charged(负电荷的). In most instances of cloud-to-ground lightning, the negatively charged lower portion of the cloud repels negatively charged particles on the ground’s surfaces, making it become positively charged. The positive charge on the ground gathers at elevated points.In most cases of cloud-to-ground lightning, the ground’s surface__________.

  A、is positively charged

  B、is shifted sideways by strong winds

  C、is negative charged

  D、is changed from positively charge to negative charge

 2 【正确答案】A

 【答案解析】本段文字解释了云层与地面之间的闪电的成因,云层下部带负电荷,排斥地面表层的负电荷,所以地面表层聚集的是正电荷。答案为 A。

  第 第 3 题【单选题】

 【完成句子】Heavy metals are persistent; they do not break down to other chemicals in the environment. Industrially polluted sites usually undergo intensive clean-up and rehabilitation because heavy metals are a health concern once they enter the food chain. Some trace metals are alleged to cause cancer and are also known to cause poisoning. Industrially contaminated sites usually require a thorough clean-up due to __________.

  A、the persistence of heavy metals

  B、industrially polluted soils

  C、naturally polluted soils

  D、rock and soil chemistry


 【答案解析】本段提到:受到污染的土壤含有重金属,而且重金属很稳定,不容易降解,所以要对重金属进行彻底的清除。答案选择 A。

  第 第 4 题【单选题】

 【2010.04】Even after decades of ______ the two brothers recognized each other immediately.








 第 第 5 题【单选题】

 How _____ you like to do that?






 【答案解析】would like to do 固定搭配,想要做某事/愿意做某事。答案选 A。

  第 第 6 题【单选题】

 【阅读判断】One problem with this design is that the mouse gets dirty as the ball rolls over the surface and picks up dirt. Eventually you have to clean your mouse.Q: When an ordinary computer mouse gets dirty, it has to be replaced with a new one.



  C、Not Given


 【答案解析】答案选 B。题中说鼠标脏了,就得换用新的。这一说法与原文不符。原文说的是鼠标脏了,可以擦干净再用。it has to be replaced with a new one 与 you have to clean your mouse 不符。所以选 B。

  第 第 7 题【单选题】

 【阅读判断】Now, there are about 24 million microcomputers in use in the United States —— one for every 10 citizens. It is estimated that by 1996, 61 percent of American managers will be using some sort of electronic work station.Q: At present about 10% of American citizens possess a microcomputer.




  C、Not Given


 【答案解析】答案选 A。本段一开头就说到目前在美国大约有二千四百万台微型电子计算机在使用中,平均每十人就拥有一台。因此本题的表述是正确的。

  第 第 8 题【单选题】

 【2009.10】The room was quiet, ______ the occasional coughing from my throat.

  A、in case

  B、except for

  C、by far

  D、instead of




 A 以免、以防万一

 B 除了…以外

 C 到目前为止

 D 代替、而不是

  第 第 9 题【单选题】

 【2008.10】Johnson was _______ unknown before running for the presidency.






 【答案解析】本题考查(形近的)副词词义区分。译文:事实上,约翰逊在参选总统职位之前是个无名人士。A 显然,明显地

  B 外表上,直观地

 C 垂直地,直立地

  D 实际上,事实上

  第 第 10 题【单选题】

 5 【完成句子】As the sunflowers grow, put a hay fence around them for protection and stake if necessary. Plant morning glories or sweet peas around the base of each sunflower, and they will grow up the stems, eventually forming a roof over the top. By summer’s end, kids will have a sunflower house to play in.When autumn comes, children can__________.

  A、seed lots of sunflowers

  B、play games in the sunflower house

  C、include plants with animal names

  D、find their own playing section


 【答案解析】段落最后一句是答案的出处,By summer’s end“夏天结束的时候”实际上就是 When autumn comes“秋天来临的时候”。答案选择 B。

  第 第 11 题【单选题】

 【2009.04】I’ve got the order from the boss that the work ________ finished before 5 p.m. today.

  A、would be


  C、will have been

  D、could be


 【答案解析】本题考查名词从句中的虚拟语气。译文:我已经从老板那得到指令,这项工作在今天下午五点钟之前要完成。详细解答:that 引导同位语从句,说明order 的内容。同时从句要用虚拟语气,从句谓语用 should+动词原形的形式,should 可以省略。

  第 第 12 题【单选题】

 【2010.04】We have greatly ______ the procedure according to the chairman’s suggestion.










  第 第 13 题【单选题】

 【阅读选择】The other side of a state legal apparatus is a state military apparatus. While the one protects the individual from violence, the other sacrifices the individual to violence in the interests of the state. In war the state affirms supreme power over the individuals within its own borders. War is not simply a trial by combat to settle disputes between states; it is the moment when the state makes its most powerful demands upon its people for their commitment, allegiance, and supreme sacrifice. The word “allegiance" is closest in meaning to ______.






 【答案解析】解本题可用同类词关系进行判断。在“allegiance”前后的两个词分别是 commitment 和 sacrifice,应能判断出这三个词相对于国家而言是同一类词,再利用排除法,不难选出正确答案 A。

  第 第 14 题【单选题】

 【2009.10】As for family education, parents are encouraged to rely on ______ rather than punishment.









 A 批评、指责

 B 恐吓、威胁

 C 说服、劝服

 D 责骂、斥责

  第 第 15 题【单选题】

 The two girls competed with each other ______ the highest mark.






 【答案解析】compete for 比赛…夺取;compete against/with 和…竞赛;句意:这两个女孩互相竞争,以取得最高分。

  第 第 16 题【单选题】

 【阅读选择】Demands for stronger protection for wildlife in Britain sometimes hide the fact that similar needs are felt in the rest of Europe. Studies by the Council of Europe, of which 21 counties are members, have shown that 45 per cent of reptile(爬行类的)species and 24 per cent of butterflies are in danger of dying out.Recent studies by the council of Europe have indicated that ______.

  A、wildlife needs more protection only in Britain.

  B、all species of wildlife in Europe are in danger of dying out.

  C、there are fewer species of reptiles and butterflies in Europe than elsewhere.

  D、many species of reptiles an butterflies in Europe need protecting.


 8 【答案解析】答案选 D。本段的第二个句子是这么说的:有 21 个国家组成的欧洲委员会的研究表明,45%的爬行动物和 24%的蝴蝶濒临灭绝。由此可见,D 是正确的答案。

  第 第 17 题【单选题】

 【填句补文】The author says that interpersonal relations should be taught as a required course in every school, along with reading, writing, and mathematics. ________. That is at least as important as how much we know.

  A、Much of what has been said about strangers also applies to relationships with family members and friends.

  B、He keeps looking over the other person"s shoulder, as if hoping to find someone more interesting in another part of the room.

  C、Every time you meet someone in a social situation, give him your undivided attention for four minutes.

  D、In his opinion, success in life depends mainly on how we get along with other people.


 【答案解析】后句中的代词 we 在 D 中才有呼应的代词,而且在文章最后出现观点句是通常论述文的发展特点,因此判断 D 正确。

  第 第 18 题【单选题】

 【2009.7】The house was quiet in the night, _______ the occasional coughing from my throat.

  A、as for

  B、such as

  C、instead of

  D、except for



 9 子在夜晚非常安静。A 至于,关于; B 例如;C 代替,而不是;D 除了……以外

  第 第 19 题【单选题】

 【阅读选择】During the hours when you labour through your work you may say that you’re "hot". That’s true. The time of day when you feel most energetic is when your cycle of body temperature is at its peak. For some people the peak comes during the morning. For others it comes in the afternoon or evening. No one has discovered why this is so, but it leads to such familiar monologues as: "Get up, John!You’ll be late for work again!" The possible explanation to the trouble is that John is at his temperature-and-energy peak in the evening. Much family quarrelling ends when husbands and wives realize what these energy cycles mean, and which cycle each member of the family has.Which of the following may lead to family quarrels according to the passage?

  A、Unawareness of energy cycles.

  B、Familiar monologues.

  C、A change in a family member’s energy cycle.

  D、Attempts to control the energy cycle of other family members.



推荐访问:2022年北华航天工业学院自考英语(二)练习题汇总(附答案解析) 练习题 英语 自考


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