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时间:2022-06-20 09:10:02




 我...我脑子一团乱 I"m wra... I"m wrapped up in here, you know. 前情回顾 思绪混乱 In me head. 我以为我做了件好事 I thought I was doing something good. -你是谁

 -我是个毒贩 - Who are you? - I"m a drug dealer. 你以为克里斯·卡森会来帮你

 对吧 You think Chris Carson"s going to come and help you, don"t you? 我只想做正确的事 I just want to do what"s right. 你只是帮我寻找事实真♥相♥ You"re just helping me find the truth. 你或许可以和你妻子说说你的恐惧 Maybe speak to your wife about your fears? 你跟雷睡过吗 Have you slept with Ray? 凯特 Kate. 我的头疼得厉害 Me head"s battered. 我妈要死了 Me mum"s dying. 现在我还无家可归 And now I"m homeless. 好极了

 对吧 It"s good, isn"t it? 你为什么又来调查这些 Why are you even on this again? 你已经让他被降职了

 雷 You got him demoted, Ray. 真不明白你为什么这么讨厌他 I just don"t understand why you hate him so much. 我已经开始讨厌你了 I"m starting to hate you. 那些手♥机♥都有电吗 Them phones charged? 你为什么在加油站买♥♥手♥机♥ Why"d you buy a phone at the petrol station?

 你在监视我吗 You spying on me? 我的一个朋友打电♥话♥告诉我说

 他跟你聊过 A friend of mine called to say that he"d spoken to you 一件本属于我的东西 about something that belongs to me. 把货带来

 你会拿到你的钱 Bring it and you get your money. -你在这里干什么

 -救你一命 - What you doing here? - Saving your life. 你做了什么 What have you done? 洗衣粉 Washing powder. 怎么回事 What the fuck... 我感觉自己在崩溃 I think I"m falling apart. 克里斯 Chris? 克里斯 Chris? 醒醒

 伙计 Wake up, lad. 克里斯 Chris? 你的停车券到期了 You"re over your ticket. -券是停到两点的


 老兄 - Your ticket"s until two o"clock... - Yeah, OK, mate. -现在已经两点了

 -好吧 - ..And it"s two o"clock now, sir. - Yeah. 给老子滚 All right. Now fuck off. 好吧 Ok. 天哪 Oh, Christ... 应急响应 第四集 你在哪

 Where are you? 没在哪 Nowhere. 我很担心你

 你怎么样 I was worried about you. How are you doing? 蒂丽怎么样 How"s Tilly? 早上她问了你的事 She asked about you this morning. 对于雷的事 About Ray... 凯特

 别这样 No. Kate, please. 他让我感到久违的开心 Well, he made me feel happy again. 就在 Just... 那个瞬间 ..In the moment. 我感受到了爱意 I felt loved, loving. 我真的很需要它 And I really needed that. 而我希望我不需要这个 And I wish that I didn"t need that. 你一直不在

 克里斯 You just weren"t there, Chris. 没错 Right. 我真的希望那不是他 And I really, really wish it wasn"t him. 我也知道你认为他公报私仇 And I know what you think he did to you at work. 我现在不能细想这个 I can"t think about this now. 可我觉得我们需要好好想想 Well, I think maybe we need to. 说实话



 现在没有 Honestly, I haven"t got it in me, Kate, not now. 我不生你气 I"m not angry with you.

 我只是...受了打击 I"m just...beaten. 我多希望你会生气 I wish you were angry. -那是海鸥叫吗

 -才不是 - Can I hear seagulls? - No. 你在海滩吗 Are you at the beach? 别操心我在哪了 Just don"t worry about where I am. 就这样了吗 Is this it? 这么多年了 All tese years... 警♥察♥ 真该死 Fucking hell. 我的老天 Jesus Christ. 该死 Shit! 操 Fucking... 操 Fuck! 操♥他♥妈♥的 Fuck! 你和我丈夫上♥床♥了吗 Are you fucking my husband? 埃莉

 我很抱歉 Oh, Ellie, I"m so sorry. 我从未 I never... 这很艰难

 对此我很痛心 It"s so difficult, I hated myself for it. 我想告诉你

 但是 I wanted... I wanted to tell you, but... 你的婚姻混乱不堪

 所以你想拉我垫背 Your marriage is gone, so you thought you"d take mine? 埃莉


 不是你想的那样 Ellie, please. That"s not how it happened.


 我真的很抱歉 You mean so much to me. I"m so, so sorry. 真是难以置信

 因为我一直为你撑腰 Yeah, I can"t believe it, because, you see, I carried you. 帮助你 I helped you. 你曾是我最好的朋友 You were my best friend. 蒂丽

 拿上你的行李 Tilly, get your stuff. 埃莉

 别这样 Ellie, please... 慢走不送 Bye. 我不是有意说的

 对不起 I didn"t mean to say anything. I"m sorry. 我最晚听到你和爸爸的声音了 I heard you and Daddy last night. 不是你的错 It"s not your fault. 从来就不是你的错 It"s never your fault. 我们走吧 Now come on. 又是她 Her again. -别理她

 -怎么能不理她 - Bin her off. - We can"t just bin her off. 你打算跟她说什么 What you going to tell her, then? 不知道 Don"t know. 这就是你的问题了

 伙计 Well, there"s your problem right there, then, lad. 我在救你一命 I"m saving your life. 你在想什么 What the fuck were you thinking? 你好 Hello. 不要害怕


 Nothing to worry about. Police. 没错 Yeah. -隔壁那家

 -不关我事 - Next door... - I don"t get involved. 好吧 Right. 你知道他们什么时候回来吗 Do you know when they"re back? 她知道 She"ll know. 你能问问她吗 Can you ask her? 她不在 She"s not in. 好吧 Right. 你有他们电♥话♥吗 Have you got a number for them? 我跟他们不熟 We don"t get involved. 你知道他们的监控还好用吗 Well, do you know if their CCTV works? 我待会再过来 All right, I"ll come back. 好的

 不客气 Yeah. You"re welcome. 怎么了 Yeah? 是我 It"s me. 给我打电♥话♥干吗 Why you ringing me? 因为我想知道发生了什么 Because I want to know what"s happening. 有什么要说的吗 Have you got something for me? 我把克里斯的电♥话♥号♥码给你了 I gave you the number that Chris is using. 你拿它做了什么 What are you doing with it?

 你觉得我拿它做了什么 What do you think I"m doing with it? 我以为你的团队正在开始监听了 I thought you"d have your team working on it by now. 这种工作无法一蹴而就 This stuff takes time. 那把其他人的电♥话♥给我 Well, then, give me the number of someone else, 我可以继续跟进这项工作 so I can chase stuff up. 我是你的联络人 I"m your contact. 你老大是谁 Who"s your boss? 瑞秋 Rachel... 我是你的联络人 ..I"m your contact. 我们干的是好事 Look, we"re doing the right thing, 对我们俩都会有好处 and it"s going to pay off for both of us. 相信我

 好吗 Just trust me, OK? 不会让你失望的

 我先挂了 I won"t let you down. I"ve got to go. 亲爱的 Hello, love. 我♥操♥ Fuck...! 我一整天都在告诉人们别抽烟 I spend all day telling people they shouldn"t smoke, 而我在这吞云吐雾

 人们都能从停车场看见我 and then I sit here where everyone can see me from the car park. 对于你朋友的遭遇

 我很遗憾 I"m sorry about your friend. 该来的总得来 What happened had to happen. 早上之后我想让你们先去打扫干净 The first thing I want you to do is clean up after this morning. 然后把那个警♥察♥找过来

 And then I want you to get me the policeman. 好吗 All right? 货怎么办 What about the gear? 找那个警♥察♥就有了 The policeman is the gear. 不是说在他手上 I"m not saying he has it. 他知道在谁手里 I"m saying he knows who has it. 至少或许他知道最后经了谁的手 Or, at the very least, who had it last. 是凯茜 It"s Casey. 谁 Who? 她是罪魁祸首 The baghead who started all this. 她肯定掉包了 She must have switched it. 那个警♥察♥ Because there"s no way 肯定不可能带着那些可♥卡♥因♥露面 that copper would have turned up with jarg coke. 他没那么蠢 He isn"t that stupid. 可能还在她手上 She might still have it. 那是我们的货

 人尽皆知 It"s ours, and people know it"s ours. 找到她

 还有那个臭警♥察♥ Find her, find the copper. 把我的货弄回来 And get me my drugs back. -还好吗

 -好的 - All right? - Yeah. -确定

 -嗯 -Sure? - Yeah. 你看起来很疲惫 Look tired.

 准备好了吗 You ready? 你们坐吧 You can sit down. 他是我搭档

 起来 He"s me partner. Get up. 我不在乎

 就算你是德里克·艾柯瑞 I don"t care if you"re Derek Acorah 英国著名灵媒 他是你的灵魂向导 and he"s your fucking spirit guide. 他不能去 He"s not coming. 他要去 He is coming. 起来 Get up. 我们将要去见的那个人 This fella, the man we"re going to meet... 我说服了他来见我们 ..I"ve had to convince him to see us. 我们卖♥♥的不是仿烟 We aren"t selling knock-off ciggies here. 这是更高级的圈子

 会很危险 This is a step up. This is dangerous. 人们都在找这些货 People are looking for this stuff. 这个家伙在冒险 This guy, he"s taking a chance. 我们带上他 We take him with us... 太丢人了 ..It"s disrespectful. 他这邋遢样 The state of him. 科尔 Col. 你在跟踪别人吗 You tailing someone? 我是个店面侦探 I"m a store detective.

 跟踪别人是我的工作 I"m tailing everybody, it"s me job. 你这怎么搞得 What happened to your grid? 埃莉打的 Ellie. 卡森

 他买♥♥了部一次性手♥机♥ Carson, he"s bought a burner phone. 跟我有什么关系 What"s that got to do with me? 你是不是有个哥们在移♥动♥公♥司♥工作 Your mate, the one who works for the mobile company? 起开 Piss off. -别这样


 -不行 - Oh, come "head, Col. - No. 老兄

 这一刻我等了很长时间了 Mate, I"ve waited years for this. 求你了 Please. 我需要通话记录

 去电和来电 Calls, to and from. 你♥他♥妈♥真是 Fuck sake... 拜托了

 科尔 Nice one, Col. 第四晚 我来杯威士忌

 给他杯柠檬水 Get us a scotch, get him a lemonade, 你自己买♥♥点喝的 get something for yourself. 需要我拿包薯片在外面望风吗 Do you want me to sit outside with a bag of crisps, as well? 我们需要保持清醒

 傻小伙 Clear head, dickhead. 可为什么你能喝威士忌 But you can have a scotch? 我知道我在干什么

 小伙子 I know what I"m doing, son. 你不知道 You don"t.

 西北警队 未结谋杀案 无结果 发现尸体 一个结果 一名 83 岁女性在杰克大桥路无生命体征 救护车和第一应急救生员在 21:38 分进行急救 受害者于 21:45 分死亡 调查进行中

 警号♥A391 杰克大桥路 12-14 号♥

 L185CG 03.10.21

 21:13 你来早了 You"re early. 十点了

 不是吗 It"s ten o"clock, innit? 如我所言

 你来早了 Like I said. -有正事吗

 -都是破事 - Anything decent? - No, it"s just shite. 你去哪过夜了 Where"d you end up sleeping? -海滩

 -天呐 - The beach. - Jesus... 乞丐哪能挑三拣四

 对吧 Yeah, beggars can"t be choosers, eh? 然后怎么样 How was it? 我砸了座房♥子 I smashed up a shit house. -谁的

 -不是破房♥子 - Who? - No, not a "Shit house." 是用来拉屎的房♥子 A shit house, a place where you shit. 你逗我呢 Are you serious? 你睡在你妈家 You kip at your mum"s? 看不出来吗

 我感觉已经胖了不少了 Can"t you tell? I think I"ve put on half a stone already. 克里斯

 前台有人找你 Chris, someone at the front desk for you.


 谁 Right. Who? 我怎么知道 How should I know? 你跟史蒂夫说了吗 So, you spoke to Steve yet? 没有 No. 如果你想说

 有时候这很有用 Look, if ever you want to talk, right, sometimes it helps...

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