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时间:2022-06-20 09:15:02




 《闪谷》前情提要 Previously on Shining Vale 我们公♥司♥正在向纽约大主教区做宣传 My firm is pitching to the New York Archdiocese 他们给我配了一位专家搭档 and they paired me with an expert. 凯瑟琳

 -暂时放下凯瑟琳 kathéryn. - Let"s put a pin in Kathryn 重新说回你那只鬼 and get back to your ghost. 假设她是你的灵感女神 Let"s say she"s your muse. 同时 继续服用氯硝西泮 In the meantime, just take the Clonazepam. 可能的副作用包括 出现幻觉 Possible side effects include hallucination, 短暂性记忆缺失 blackout, memory loss. 我写了 13 页 I wrote 13 pages, 我听到柜子里有音乐传出来 and I"m hearing music coming from the closet. 我们有个复古的蒂基吧 We have a vintage Tiki bar. 你怎么这么不开心 Why aren"t you so fucking happy? 因为我知道是你在破坏我的演讲 Because I know it was you who sabotaged my presentation. 我叫满屋子的牧师去舔屌♥ I told a room full of priests to "suck a hot dick." 我被停职了 凯瑟琳被解雇了 I got suspended. Kathryn got fired. 我完全不记得做过这种事 I have no memory of doing that. 欢迎 帕特丽夏 Welcome, Patricia. 你就是我的灵感

 -我是罗斯玛丽 Are you my muse? - I"m Rosemary. 那些内容是你写的 Did you write those pages? 是我们一起写的 来庆祝吧

 We wrote them together. Let"s celebrate. 我有 16 年没有喝酒了 I haven"t had a drink in 16 years. 你应得的 You deserve it. 你不该来这里 You shouldn"t be here. 嘿 亲爱的 写得怎么样了 Hey, hon. How"s it going? 还好 Fine. 今天也写了很多吗 Getting a lot written today? 对 Yeah. 我听说在农贸市场新开了一家 Hey, I heard they opened a pressed juice stand 榨汁店 at the farmer"s market. 你想要我怎么样 What do you want me to do about it? 别这样 亲爱的 Oh, come on, honey. 别这么不高兴嘛 Don"t be so grouchy. 你看 我在努力完成我的写作 See, I-I"m trying to finish my work. 而你跑上来 And when you come up here, it"s-- 很让人分心 it"s distracting. 然后我的思绪全乱了 And then I lose my train of thought 我又要重新开始 and I have to start over. 要不我去买♥♥两杯鲜榨果汁 Maybe I"ll pick up a couple of fresh juices, 等我回来之后 你可以让我看看你写的 and when I come back, you"ll let me read something. 到时候再说吧 We"ll play it by ear.

 那是周日 意味着要去教堂 It was Sunday, which meant church, 吃猪排 跟罗尔夫做♥爱♥ pork chops, and sex with Rolf... 你刚说什么了吗 Did you say something? 我没说 I did not. 那好吧 Huh, okay. 特里 我们要定个规矩 Terry, we"re gonna make a rule. 不管你听见我在打字 或者说话 When you hear me typing or--or talking 或者不管在楼上发出什么声音 or whatever the fuck you hear me 那都表示我在工作 doing up here, it means I"m working. 所以麻烦你别进来 So please don"t come in. 你觉得可以做到吗 You think you could handle that? 没问题 Sure. 那你从现在开始 马上给我出去 So why don"t you start by getting the fuck out now? 好 Okay. 去一趟沃格尔超♥市♥ ...and a trip to Vogel"s market 跟杂货店的丹来一次不那么含蓄的调情 for some not-so-subtle flirting with Dan the Grocer. 嗨 罗斯玛丽 Hi, Rosemary. 你好 丹 Hello, Dan. 你买♥♥了不错的火腿啊 You got some great hams here. 它们带骨的 They"re bone in. 经理说你丈夫说过

 The manager says your husband said 不让你买♥♥酒 not to let you buy alcohol. 你可以告诉你们经理 Well, you can tell your manager 不要把我当 I will not be treated like a-- 小孩子看 Goddamn child. 你想要疯狂芒果还是绿色机器 You want mango madness or green machine? 绿色机器 Oh, green machine. 选得好 我喜欢 Great choice. I love that. 星期一 你看起来不错 You look nice. 干嘛讽刺我 And where"s the insult? 不是讽刺 这个裙子可以掩饰你的“扁屁” No insult. That dress hides your flass. 这个俚语的意思是 And that"s mean slang for? 明显是扁平的屁♥股♥ "Flat ass," obviously. 好吧 你今天也很漂亮 Oh, obviously. You look nice too. 是为你的处♥男♥男友打扮的 Is that for your virgin boyfriend 还是说今天是戴安·索耶的服装大赛 or is today the big Diane Sawyer costume contest? 不知道你说的那个老人是谁 I don"t get that old person reference, 不过 这一身的确是为了瑞安 but yes, this is for Ryan 出人意料地尊重别人啊 Surprisingly respectful. 对 我是想跟他分手 Yeah, I"m trying to break him, 可是他的上帝和救世主老是用鸡♥巴♥阻止我

 but his Lord and Savior continues to cock block me. 这才是我的乖女儿 Aw, that"s my baby girl. 菲尔普斯家族最后的希望来了 And here"s our last hope for the Phelps" line. 早餐吃什么 What"s for breakfast? 你手上拿着贝果呢 Mm, you"re holding a bagel. 太好了 Sweet. 好吧 Well-- 你们真应该问问我为什么穿得这么浓重 you know, it"s funny you guys should ask because I-I do, 因为我今天真有个重要会面呢 I have a really big meeting today. 该死 Shit. 天哪 Oh, God. 有人吗 Hello? 天哪 特里 Oh, God, Terry! 抱歉 我不是故意吓唬你的 Sorry. I didn"t mean to scare ya. 哇 你看你 好漂亮 Wow, look at you. You look great. 是吗 盖娜说我是扁屁 Really? Gaynor says I have a flass. 我喜欢屁♥股♥有肉的女人 Oh, well I love a woman with a fleshy ass. 那么 要我给你倒杯酒吗 So can I, uh, pour you a drink? 为什么 你怎么会这么问 Why? Why--why would you ask that? 因为 你看看这些 Because, look at all this stuff. 我能为我的女人来一杯 Can I make my lady a--

 接骨木花露酒吗 an Elderflower Cordial? 当然是无酒精的 Virgin, of course. 你这个口音太难听了 That sounds absolutely horrible. 马上来 Coming right up. 你怎么穿得这么浓重 Why are you all dressed up? 因为卡姆想跟我谈谈 Oh, cause Kam wants to talk to me 我发过去的新稿件 about the new pages I sent. 我一直忍♥不住流泪 这写作业太容易了 I"ve been on such a tear. It"s been so easy to write. 以前从来没有过这种感觉 That"s never happened to me before. 真为你高兴 太棒了 I"m happy for you. That"s great. 你真好 You"re sweet. 在你的演讲稿上写了舔屌♥ I still feel bad about writing "suck a hot dick" 我还是很不好意思 in your presentation. 不知道为什么汤姆要 I don"t understand why Thom 因为我做的事而让你停职 would suspend you for something that I did. 显示他的权力 Ah, it"s a power move. 再说 他可能也不喜欢一个 Plus, I don"t think he likes the idea of a man 控制不了自己家庭生活的男人 who doesn"t have a control of his home life. 不过话说回来 他本来就是个大混♥蛋♥ But in his defense, he"s a gigantic asshole. 非常混 我还是很抱歉 Such an asshole. I still feel bad. 不用 除了这周很少见到你之外

 Don"t. Other than barely seeing you this week, 老实说 我过得很开心 I"ve had a great time off. Honestly. 终于可以做当爸爸该做的那些事 Got to do all the dad stuff I never get to do, you know? 送孩子们去上学 Take the kids to school, 把你砸开的墙面修补好 repair the wall that you hatcheted open. 对了 我们这里宝藏可不少呢 Oh, we got a lot of treasures around here. 你看这个 Look at this. 很好 又是没用的东西 Oh, good. More junk. 不是不是 这个 No, no, no. That"s a-- 是个复古的电影投影机 that"s a vintage movie projector there. 你看 黑暗秘密 黄色电影 谁知道里面有啥呢 Look at that. Dark secrets, dirty movies, who knows? 等着 还有呢 And wait, there"s more. 等不及被那玩意在噩梦里追我呢 Can"t wait for that to chase me around in my nightmares. 别这样 Ahh! - Stop. 你能帮我选油漆样品吗 Can you help me pick out paint samples? 糟糕 我要去赶车了 Oh, shit. I gotta catch my train. 你凭感觉选吧 祝我好运 No, follow your heart. Wish me luck. 好吧 她肯定会喜欢的 Well, she"s gonna love it. 我太喜欢了 I fucking love it! 简直更上一层楼 Ugh It"s next level. 天哪 翠西 罗斯玛丽 And holy shit, Trish. Uh, Rosemary?

 她就像你一样 但是更丰富 I mean she"s like you, but more 这个点子到底是从哪里冒出来的 And where the fuck did she come from? 你知道我讨厌的那个心理医生伯格吧 You know Dr. Berg, the shrink I hate? 老让你吃药的那个厌女者 我知道 Pill pusher, misogynist. Yeah. 就是他 我现在喜欢他了 Exactly. I love him now 他告诉我 罗斯玛丽就像是我的 He told me that Rosemary was like my, uh-- 另一个自我 我的缪斯 my alter-ego slash muse. 现在我就吃一点维他命 C So now I just take a little vitamin C 基本上她就帮我写作了 and she practically writes it for me. 天哪 翠西 你在吸毒吗 Jesus, Trish, cocaine? 不是 是氯硝西泮 No, Clonazepam. 别担心 我有处方的 Don"t worry. I have a prescription. 很好 Oh, good. 吃处方药不会上瘾的 I mean, you can"t get addicted with a prescription. 我为了放松自己吃半片药 I take a half of a pill just to relax me. 然后我就会进入她的角色 And then I get into her character. 拜托你不要说我 这很有效果 Pl--don"t give me shit. It"s working. 好吧 可能有一些潜在坏消息 All right, well, there"s some potential bad news 我把你的稿件在办公室传阅了一下 I passed, your pages around the office 精英部想要你的书 and the elite division wants your book 意味着一个新的预付款

 That means a new advance. 是之前预付款的三倍 Like, triple your old ones. 什么 那是大好消息啊 What? That"s great news. 有什么坏消息 W-what"s the bad news? 我说的是潜在坏消息 I said potential bad news. 因为从以往历史来看 "Cause historically speaking, 当你的事情进展非常顺利之时 when things start going really well for you, 你就会自我搞破坏 you self-sabotage. 在办公室里我们称之为“帕特的骚操作” Around the office we call it "pulling a Pat" 我讨厌那样 真的 I resent that. I really do. 我已经学会了如何身兼妻子 母亲和艺术家的角色了 I--I think I have this wife-mother-artist shit down 我孩子学校打来的 It"s my kid"s school. 我怎么就不允许自己有哪怕一秒钟的快乐呢 Why do I allow myself to be happy even for one second? 喂 Hello? 灯光 Do, do, do. Lights... 摄像头 cameras... 什么都没有 ...Nothin". 喂 Y"ello. 杰克在学校看黄♥片♥被抓住了 Jake got caught with porn at school. 怎么会 他手♥机♥上除了中毒控制和指南针 How? We blocked everything on his phone 其它的都被我们屏蔽了 other than Poison Control and the compass.

 不是他的手♥机♥ 是 是杂♥志♥ It wasn"t on his phone. It was--it was a magazine. 他在哪儿找到的 Where"d he even find them? 不知道 I don"t know. 但是学校让我们去个人去接他 But the school wants one of us to come get him. 你能帮我跑一趟吗 Can you please handle that for me? 这是我在家休息的最后一天 It"s my last day home from work. 我当然要去跟我儿子谈谈 Of course I want to have the dirty magazine 看黄书的事 talk with my son. 靠 Ow, mother-- 真不错 Well, well, well. 看看我们俩哈 Look at us. 我被人从公♥司♥赶回了家 你被人从学校赶回了家 I get sent home from work. You get sent home from school. 我们可真是一对不法之徒啊 Couple outlaws, we are. 能走了吗 Can we please just go? 稍等 Hold on. 我们得谈谈 Let"s have thi...

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